Data setup and prerequisites
Install the KelpAreaIndicator
package from the SCCWRP
github repository and load it.
# devtools::install_github(
# "SCCWRP/KelpAreaIndicator",
# build_vignettes = TRUE,
# build_manual = TRUE
# )
Provide the file paths to the Landsat kelp area data, downloaded from
the EDI
Data Portal, and the shapefile that defines the kelp segment
polygons of interest. The kelp segments shapefile is a polygon shapefile
with at least one attribute, Segment_ID
, that defines the
kelp area segments of interest with the WGS 84 CRS (EPSG:4326).
lter_file_path <- "../data/"
kelp_segments_file_path <- "../data/uswc_2024_v2"
Assigning segments to Landsat pixels
The segment_landsat_data()
function will load the
Landsat netCDF file and assign each pixel to its respective segment,
defined in the kelp segments shapefile. Each pixel in the Landsat data
represents a 900
area, so the segment_landsat_data()
function provides an
option to treat the area values as either 0 or 900
rather than the fractional value between 0 and 900, with the
parameter. Setting
fractional_pixels = FALSE
will enable this binary treatment
of the pixel data.
The resulting data frame consists of rows of pixels from the Landsat
data, and columns of quarters for each year of the time series. The
column indicates which segment that the pixel
belongs to. The lon
and lat
columns are the
longitude and latitude of the pixel, respectively. The remaining columns
represent the quarterly kelp area time series of that pixel, in
segmented_landsat_data <- segment_landsat_data(
lter_file_path = lter_file_path,
kelp_segments_file_path = kelp_segments_file_path
#> Reading layer `uswc_2024_v2' from data source
#> `/Users/nicholasl/Documents/Projects/kelp/KelpAreaIndicator/data/uswc_2024_v2'
#> using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
#> Simple feature collection with 311 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -124.844 ymin: 32.52884 xmax: -117.1165 ymax: 48.42642
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 382,462 × 165
#> Segment_ID lon lat Q1.1984 Q2.1984 Q3.1984 Q4.1984 Q1.1985 Q2.1985
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 66 NA NA 0
#> 2 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA NA 0
#> 3 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 4 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 153 NA NA 0
#> 5 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 6 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 7 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 8 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 9 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 60 NA 0 0
#> 10 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> # ℹ 382,452 more rows
#> # ℹ 156 more variables: Q3.1985 <int>, Q4.1985 <int>, Q1.1986 <int>,
#> # Q2.1986 <int>, Q3.1986 <int>, Q4.1986 <int>, Q1.1987 <int>,
#> # Q2.1987 <int>, Q3.1987 <int>, Q4.1987 <int>, Q1.1988 <int>,
#> # Q2.1988 <int>, Q3.1988 <int>, Q4.1988 <int>, Q1.1989 <int>,
#> # Q2.1989 <int>, Q3.1989 <int>, Q4.1989 <int>, Q1.1990 <int>,
#> # Q2.1990 <int>, Q3.1990 <int>, Q4.1990 <int>, Q1.1991 <int>, …
segmented_landsat_data_whole_pixels <- segment_landsat_data(
lter_file_path = lter_file_path,
kelp_segments_file_path = kelp_segments_file_path,
fractional_pixels = FALSE
#> Reading layer `uswc_2024_v2' from data source
#> `/Users/nicholasl/Documents/Projects/kelp/KelpAreaIndicator/data/uswc_2024_v2'
#> using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
#> Simple feature collection with 311 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -124.844 ymin: 32.52884 xmax: -117.1165 ymax: 48.42642
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 382,462 × 165
#> Segment_ID lon lat Q1.1984 Q2.1984 Q3.1984 Q4.1984 Q1.1985 Q2.1985
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 900 NA NA 0
#> 2 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA NA 0
#> 3 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 4 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 900 NA NA 0
#> 5 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 6 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 7 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 8 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> 9 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 900 NA 0 0
#> 10 OR_11 -125. 42.8 NA 0 0 NA 0 0
#> # ℹ 382,452 more rows
#> # ℹ 156 more variables: Q3.1985 <dbl>, Q4.1985 <dbl>, Q1.1986 <dbl>,
#> # Q2.1986 <dbl>, Q3.1986 <dbl>, Q4.1986 <dbl>, Q1.1987 <dbl>,
#> # Q2.1987 <dbl>, Q3.1987 <dbl>, Q4.1987 <dbl>, Q1.1988 <dbl>,
#> # Q2.1988 <dbl>, Q3.1988 <dbl>, Q4.1988 <dbl>, Q1.1989 <dbl>,
#> # Q2.1989 <dbl>, Q3.1989 <dbl>, Q4.1989 <dbl>, Q1.1990 <dbl>,
#> # Q2.1990 <dbl>, Q3.1990 <dbl>, Q4.1990 <dbl>, Q1.1991 <dbl>, …
If a kelp segment never contains any pixels with kelp coverage, these
segments are represented by a single row of NA
values for
the entire time series.
segmented_landsat_data |>
dplyr::filter(Segment_ID == "CA_87")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 165
#> Segment_ID lon lat Q1.1984 Q2.1984 Q3.1984 Q4.1984 Q1.1985 Q2.1985
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> # ℹ 156 more variables: Q3.1985 <int>, Q4.1985 <int>, Q1.1986 <int>,
#> # Q2.1986 <int>, Q3.1986 <int>, Q4.1986 <int>, Q1.1987 <int>,
#> # Q2.1987 <int>, Q3.1987 <int>, Q4.1987 <int>, Q1.1988 <int>,
#> # Q2.1988 <int>, Q3.1988 <int>, Q4.1988 <int>, Q1.1989 <int>,
#> # Q2.1989 <int>, Q3.1989 <int>, Q4.1989 <int>, Q1.1990 <int>,
#> # Q2.1990 <int>, Q3.1990 <int>, Q4.1990 <int>, Q1.1991 <int>,
#> # Q2.1991 <int>, Q3.1991 <int>, Q4.1991 <int>, Q1.1992 <int>, …
Kelp presence
Some of the designated kelp segments may have limited data points in
the Landsat kelp area data, so it is useful to classify the presence of
kelp within each kelp segment. We provide the
function to do this. The current
categories are “No Historical Kelp”, “Ephemeral Kelp”, and “Kelp”,
defined by the no_kelp_bound
arguments, discussed below.
This function will first calculate the percentage of area of each kelp segment that kelp has ever been detected in. That is, distinct pixels that have ever had kelp area greater than 0 within a segment are tallied, then this number of pixels is multiplied by 900 m (the maximum possible area per 30 m 30 m pixel), converted to km, and then divided by the kelp segment’s area in km. This final ratio is multiplied by 100 to express it as a percentage.
After the above percentage is calculated, the function will
categorize each kelp segment according to the bounds set with the
and ephemeral_kelp_bound
arguments. These are both upper bounds for their respective categories,
so for example, if no_kelp_bound = 0.02
, then kelp segments
with a kelp presence percentage of 0.01% will be categorized as “No
Historical Kelp”; similarly for “Ephemeral Kelp”. The defaults for these
arguments are no_kelp_bound = 0.02
ephemeral_kelp_bound = 0.15
The result of the function is a data frame with the following columns:
: The ID of the kelp area segmentsegment_area
: The area of the kelp segment in km2pixel_percent
: The percentage of the kelp segment’s area that the total number of pixels ever detected occupy. This calculation assumes each pixel contains the full 900 m2 of kelp area-
: The category of kelp presence for each segment.- “No Historical Kelp”: pixel_percent <= no_kelp_bound OR pixel_percent is NA
- “Ephemeral Kelp”: pixel_percent <= ephemeral_kelp_bound
- “Kelp”: otherwise
kelp_presence <- get_kelp_presence(
segmented_landsat_data = segmented_landsat_data,
kelp_segments_file_path = kelp_segments_file_path,
no_kelp_bound = 0.02,
ephemeral_kelp_bound = 0.15
kelp_presence |> dplyr::arrange(Segment_ID)
#> # A tibble: 311 × 4
#> Segment_ID segment_area pixel_percent presence
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 CA_1 70.0 3.88 Kelp
#> 2 CA_10 65.1 1.56 Kelp
#> 3 CA_100 92.4 2.52 Kelp
#> 4 CA_101 85.1 2.58 Kelp
#> 5 CA_102 118. 1.57 Kelp
#> 6 CA_103 40.1 NA No Historical Kelp
#> 7 CA_104 117. 0.362 Kelp
#> 8 CA_105 70.9 NA No Historical Kelp
#> 9 CA_106 81.1 0.0400 Ephemeral Kelp
#> 10 CA_107 45.1 0.00799 No Historical Kelp
#> # ℹ 301 more rows
Extracting time series
The quarterly Landsat time series is extracted with the
function. This function aggregates
the Landsat data per segment, and either the quarterly or annualized
time series for each segment can be extracted. A subset of the kelp
segments can be extracted using the segment_id
Quarterly time series
The quarterly time series is aggregated by summing the quarterly area data for all pixels within each segment. The resulting data frame contains 9 columns:
: The ID of the kelp area segment -
: The maximum occupiable kelp area for the given segment. This column repeats the same value for all rows in a single kelp area segment -
: The historical (1984-2013) median kelp area for the segment. The median is computed across the quarterly or annualized kelp area values, depending onfrequency
. This column repeats the same value for all rows in a single kelp area segment -
: The quarter in the time series. Not present in the annual time series -
: Year in the time series -
: Date representation of the year/quarter, for simpler plotting -
: Kelp area in absolute magnitude, in km -
: Kelp area relative to the historical median, expressed as a percentage -
: Kelp area relative to the maximum occupiable kelp area, expressed as a percentage
quarterly_ts <- extract_time_series(
segmented_landsat_data = segmented_landsat_data,
frequency = "quarterly"
#> # A tibble: 50,382 × 9
#> Segment_ID max_occupiable historical_med quarter year date area_abs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q1 1984 1984-01-01 0
#> 2 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q2 1984 1984-04-01 0.000543
#> 3 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q3 1984 1984-07-01 0
#> 4 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q4 1984 1984-10-01 0
#> 5 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q1 1985 1985-01-01 0
#> 6 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q2 1985 1985-04-01 0.00300
#> 7 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q3 1985 1985-07-01 0.00140
#> 8 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q4 1985 1985-10-01 0
#> 9 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q1 1986 1986-01-01 0.0340
#> 10 CA_1 0.758 0.0000575 Q2 1986 1986-04-01 0.00215
#> # ℹ 50,372 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: area_hist <dbl>, area_pct <dbl>
Annual time series
We provide several options for annualizing the quarterly Landsat area
data, max_first
, sum_first
, or extracting a
specific quarter for each year, discussed below. The annualized time
series data frame is identical to the quarterly time series data, except
there is no quarter
Note that the historical median area (historical_med
and maximum occupiable area (max_occupiable
) are given per
, repeated for every row of its time series. The
historical median is calculated across the annualized values
from 1984 to 2013, inclusive.
The max_first
annualization method will loop through all
Landsat pixels and for each year of the time series, it will select the
maximum value that that pixel attained in that year. Then, these maximum
values are added together for all pixels in each segment, so that the
resulting time series is annual for each kelp segment.
max_first_annual_ts <- extract_time_series(
segmented_landsat_data = segmented_landsat_data,
annualization_method = "max_first"
#> # A tibble: 12,751 × 8
#> Segment_ID max_occupiable historical_med year date area_abs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1984 1984-01-01 0.000543
#> 2 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1985 1985-01-01 0.00434
#> 3 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1986 1986-01-01 0.0850
#> 4 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1987 1987-01-01 0.0912
#> 5 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1988 1988-01-01 0
#> 6 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1989 1989-01-01 0.0160
#> 7 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1990 1990-01-01 0.0301
#> 8 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1991 1991-01-01 0.0136
#> 9 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1992 1992-01-01 0.00619
#> 10 CA_1 0.758 0.00328 1993 1993-01-01 0
#> # ℹ 12,741 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: area_hist <dbl>, area_pct <dbl>
The sum_first
method will sum the time series for all
pixels in each kelp segment, so that each kelp segment has a quarterly
time series. Then, the maximum for each segment within each year is
selected, so that the time series is annual.
sum_first_annual_ts <- extract_time_series(
segmented_landsat_data = segmented_landsat_data,
annualization_method = "sum_first"
#> # A tibble: 12,751 × 8
#> Segment_ID max_occupiable historical_med year date area_abs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1984 1984-01-01 0.000543
#> 2 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1985 1985-01-01 0.00300
#> 3 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1986 1986-01-01 0.0464
#> 4 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1987 1987-01-01 0.0805
#> 5 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1988 1988-01-01 0
#> 6 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1989 1989-01-01 0.0138
#> 7 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1990 1990-01-01 0.0245
#> 8 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1991 1991-01-01 0.00685
#> 9 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1992 1992-01-01 0.00533
#> 10 CA_1 0.758 0.00302 1993 1993-01-01 0
#> # ℹ 12,741 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: area_hist <dbl>, area_pct <dbl>
Each of the Q1
, Q2
, Q3
, and
options will sum together all pixels within each segment
and extract its respective quarter within each year.
q3_annual_ts <- extract_time_series(
segmented_landsat_data = segmented_landsat_data,
annualization_method = "Q3"
#> # A tibble: 12,440 × 9
#> Segment_ID max_occupiable historical_med year date quarter area_abs
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1984 1984-01-01 Q3 0
#> 2 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1985 1985-01-01 Q3 0.00140
#> 3 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1986 1986-01-01 Q3 0.0464
#> 4 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1987 1987-01-01 Q3 0.0805
#> 5 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1988 1988-01-01 Q3 0
#> 6 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1989 1989-01-01 Q3 0.00319
#> 7 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1990 1990-01-01 Q3 0.0245
#> 8 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1991 1991-01-01 Q3 0.00101
#> 9 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1992 1992-01-01 Q3 0.00533
#> 10 CA_1 0.758 0.000513 1993 1993-01-01 Q3 0
#> # ℹ 12,430 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: area_hist <dbl>, area_pct <dbl>
Plotting time series
Compare different methods of annualization applied to the
segment below. The plot_time_series()
function is a convenience function to plot the time series for a
particular segment. This function also supports adding a trend line,
with the options
argument and trend_options()
function. See this function’s help page for more information.
Here, we’ve added more ggplot2
line layers to visualize
the difference between the max_first
, and Q3
annualization methods.
# combine all methods into a single data frame for plotting
annual_ts <- dplyr::bind_rows(
max_first_annual_ts |> dplyr::mutate(method = "Max first"),
sum_first_annual_ts |> dplyr::mutate(method = "Sum first"),
q3_annual_ts |> dplyr::mutate(method = "Quarter 3")
# for grey background lines in plot
other_ts <- annual_ts |>
dplyr::filter(Segment_ID == "CA_70") |>
dplyr::rename(others = method)
kelp_area_time_series = annual_ts,
type = "absolute",
segment_id = "CA_70",
color = method
) +
data = other_ts,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = date, y = area_abs, group = others),
alpha = 0.15,
inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_date(date_breaks = "4 years", date_labels = "%Y") +
ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_d() +
ggplot2::labs(color = "Annualization\nMethod") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(ggplot2::vars(method), scales = "free_x")
#> Scale for x is already present.
#> Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.

plot of chunk time_series_plot_comparison
Kelp status
The status of kelp segments can be computed relative to the
historical baseline (1984 - 2013) with the
function. This function uses the computed
time series and kelp presence data frames from the
and get_kelp_presence()
functions, respectively. Individual kelp segments or subsets of kelp
segments may be specified with the segment_id
argument, and
the desired year may be specified with the status_year
argument. The function will return the status for all segments if
segment_id = NULL
(default) or for the latest year in the
Landsat data if status_year = NULL
Status is calculated by dividing the given year’s kelp area by the historical median across 1984-2013 for each kelp segment. A value of -999 indicates that there is not enough data to determine a status for the given kelp segment.
kelp_status_2020 <- get_kelp_status(
annual_time_series = sum_first_annual_ts,
kelp_presence = kelp_presence,
status_year = 2020
#> # A tibble: 311 × 3
#> Segment_ID year status
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_1 2020 128.
#> 2 CA_10 2020 1.90
#> 3 CA_100 2020 2.23
#> 4 CA_101 2020 6.41
#> 5 CA_102 2020 2.23
#> 6 CA_103 2020 -999
#> 7 CA_104 2020 26.2
#> 8 CA_105 2020 -999
#> 9 CA_106 2020 -999
#> 10 CA_107 2020 -999
#> # ℹ 301 more rows
kelp_status_CA_70 <- get_kelp_status(
annual_time_series = sum_first_annual_ts,
kelp_presence = kelp_presence,
segment_id = "CA_70"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> Segment_ID year status
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 CA_70 2024 2.88